Karate is an ancient martial art that originated on the small island of Okinawa in southern Japan. The basic principle of karate is self-defense through the practice of a wide range of techniques including: parries (uke), thrusts (zuki), punches (uchi), kicks (geri), throws (nage), locking holds (tori waza), evasion techniques (taisabaki) and psychological techniques. Mastering these techniques requires years of training, which includes not only technical training but also a great deal of physical training to be able to perform the techniques with enough power and speed to be used against an opponent.

One of the things that makes karate a martial art is the philosophical superstructure that has its roots in the Zen Buddhist philosophy of life. Personal development is key when practicing karate.

Karate can be practiced by virtually anyone, regardless of age, gender or physical condition, as the training will take into account the individual's needs and abilities. This also means that karate can be practiced throughout life.

Through karate training, after a relatively short time you will gain confidence, body awareness and a good physical shape, which will help to give you extra energy in everyday life.

What is Okinawa Goju-ryu karate?

Today there are hundreds of karate styles, with Goju-ryu being one of the original main schools. The division of karate styles is mainly based on their Chinese and Japanese origins, fusions of styles and different interpretations of techniques between masters. However, the basic principles are usually the same and the basic techniques are very similar.

Characteristic of Goju-ryu karate is the alternation between hard (Go) and soft (Ju) techniques. Goju-ryu relies heavily on close combat techniques, using many circular movements and powerful low kicks. Great emphasis is placed on breathing techniques and controlling muscle tension.

Goju-ryu was founded and named by Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953). One of Chojun Miyagi's students, Eiichi Miyazato (1921-1999), built a dojo (training hall) which he named “Jundokan” and founded the Okinawa goju-ryu karate-do kyokai organization after Chojun Miyagi died.

The organization was separated from the dojo in 2004 when Miyazato sensei's son took over commercial operations.

“Do not strike others, and do not allow others to strike you. The goal is peace without incident.”

Chojun Miyagi
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